Monday, September 5, 2016

Season #9

Well I'm only 7 months behind on blog posts..

I just kicked off my 9th football season with my coach. So much has changed from the first season. And so much has changed since I posted last! 

We welcomed the perfect completion to our sweet family. Emma Sue was born 6/16/16 via successful VBAC! I will be posting her birth story a little later. 

Week 1 is in the books and the BEARS are 1-0. I'm so excited about this season but I know it will be my toughest yet. Having two little ones to chase around won't be easy but it will be fun. I look back to when Tyler was coaching in Thomas and it was no big deal for me to load up for a 4 hour one way trip to watch a game. Last week it proved more difficult to make the 30 minute journey to Newcastle. 

I wouldn't change a single thing though. These sweet babies have made mine and Tyler's life far more fun than we could have ever imagined. 
We love sitting in the stands and cheering for daddy! And Hudson loved getting to hang out with his papa.

I swear I'm going to get better at posting consistently. Until next time...

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Remaining thankful through the tantrums.

Some days I think I am not mentally, physically, or emotionally able to handle one more meltdown. I hate to admit it, but sometimes in those moments, I yell and I pray he just takes a nap before I completely lose my mind. It usually takes about .4 seconds before the mom guilt completely takes over and I break down. God, why did I lose my temper? He's just tired or wants to be held or needs every bit of attention I am capable of giving. I have to take a step back and remind myself that there are millions of couples out there that would give anything to wrestle a toddler through a diaper change or a terrible meltdown. That's when I take a deep breath, scoop him up, and remember that we were once one of those couples. One of the couples that were praying to see two pink lines, and doing everything possible to get to be parents and no amount of money was going to stop us. We were the couple who month after month felt defeated after another negative test and we couldn't understand why God couldn't grant our one request. We tried so hard to get Hudson here and I have to remind myself to never take that for granted. It also makes me feel like I'm never allowed to have a bad day. God doesn't expect me to do everything perfectly, he expects me to do my best. 

So on the days when I think I just can't do it, I have to remind myself to be thankful through the tantrums, meltdowns, countless Mickey episodes, and sleepless nights. God gave me this child because He knew this was the child I needed and I would raise him exactly like He wanted me too.

That's all I have for today. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Falling behind.

Well well well. I may have gotten a little behind in my posts (so it's been 3 months, judge me). A lot can happen in three months. 

In October, we found out we were getting blessed with a new little miracle in June. We were taken by complete surprise. Many people don't know how you can be so completely surprised about a baby on the way. Well let me tell you, we never thought we would be a couple to get a surprise baby. You see, as some of you already know, getting pregnant with Hudson was no walk in the park for us...

In 2012 we decided we wanted to start trying for a family. I had known since high school that this wasn't going to be an easy accomplishment. Let me start out by saying that our road to becoming parents was quite easy compared to some of our friends and I don't want to take that for granted. However, the journey was emotionally, physically, and financially challenging and draining for us. After a visit with my Doctor, she flat out told me that I was going to require more help than she could give. I was devastated yet determined. 

Within hours I had called OU reproductive medicine and learned that I would have to wait nearly 4 months to get in for my first appointment. That 4 months seemed like forever. After finally going in and getting to meet my new doctor who I absolutely loved, she gave me a glimmer of hope. It took 6 failed months of clomid and 2 failed months of femara before I got a positive test. Each month included anywhere from 2-5 ultrasounds, 1 self given injection, multiple negative pregnancy tests, several tears, and a little bitterness for everyone who was getting pregnant. 

It was the day before thanksgiving in 2013 that I finally got a positive test. I had thought of a million cute ways to tell Tyler he was going to be a dad and yelling for him to come to the bathroom wasn't one of them. We were ecstatic and couldn't hardly believe it.

Most people suggest waiting until the first trimester is over before telling people but I believe that the more people who knew, the more people who would be praying for our sweet baby. We immediately told close friends and family but waited until Christmas to make it "Facebook official." 

We are eternally grateful that God allowed us to become parents to the most precious boy I have ever known. Even on the long, sleepless nights we are thankful!

That's all for now! I will try to update more throughout this pregnancy. There will most likely be a post about Hudson's labor and delivery, the fact that we aren't finding out if this new baby is a boy or girl, and our plans for possibly using a midwife for this birth. Not to mention random Hudson updates since we are working on new sleeping tricks and will eventually decide to tackle potty training (oh my).