Monday, September 5, 2016

Season #9

Well I'm only 7 months behind on blog posts..

I just kicked off my 9th football season with my coach. So much has changed from the first season. And so much has changed since I posted last! 

We welcomed the perfect completion to our sweet family. Emma Sue was born 6/16/16 via successful VBAC! I will be posting her birth story a little later. 

Week 1 is in the books and the BEARS are 1-0. I'm so excited about this season but I know it will be my toughest yet. Having two little ones to chase around won't be easy but it will be fun. I look back to when Tyler was coaching in Thomas and it was no big deal for me to load up for a 4 hour one way trip to watch a game. Last week it proved more difficult to make the 30 minute journey to Newcastle. 

I wouldn't change a single thing though. These sweet babies have made mine and Tyler's life far more fun than we could have ever imagined. 
We love sitting in the stands and cheering for daddy! And Hudson loved getting to hang out with his papa.

I swear I'm going to get better at posting consistently. Until next time...