Saturday, February 4, 2017


When I first decided to start a blog, my goal was to do one each week. I quickly learned that wasn't a reality for me (notice I haven't posted since September). I had big hopes of posting about the things I am passionate about and I wanted to inspire and yada yada yada... However, it seems that my posts have been completely random with whatever was on my mind at that very moment.

I just celebrated my 5 year anniversary at Dental Lodge. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever imagined that I would be the office manager of private dental practice. I am so thankful for that place and all the people I work with.

We are in a weird phase of life right now. We have a 2.5 year old and a 7 month old and boy do they keep us busy. Hudson is the most loving yet stubborn little fireball I have ever known. He loves to love but he also loves to see just how far he can push his limits. Emma is now starting to show her own sassy personality. Emma is much more clingy that Hudson ever was (as far as i can remember) and I find that interesting because I was much more clingy to Hudson since he was my first.

The days are long but the years are short.