Saturday, April 15, 2017

Satan loves doubt.

Ok. Let me start by saying that this last week tested me and it took a lot of quiet thinking and a long talk with a good friend to bring me back to being level headed.

I believe that Satan loves when he can make you question your ability as a mother. This week, through different situations, I almost let him win. 

We have officially taken the binky away from Hudson. He is 2.5 and Tyler and I both felt and agreed that it was time for us to have him be done with it. We have been transitioning away from it for a while making it where he could only have it at bedtime and car rides. Since we have taken it away (about a week now) he has slept through the night almost nightly-guys this is something we were happy with getting once a week. It's like he doesn't wake up looking for it anymore. Hudson has NEVER been a good sleeper and he has a hard time falling asleep. He will, on occasion, ask for his binky and Tyler and I can usually distract him with a toy or just saying not right now. He has not cried for it either. 

I received more "judgement" than I ever thought I would for doing this. I always anticipated being judged for letting him have it so long-which I was fine with because this works for us. I didn't anticipate judgement for taking it away. I guess it was the first time I ever felt "mom shamed." That surprised me because I breastfeed in public, co-sleep, and have never let my children cry it out. All of which are common things that moms disagree on. So first, let me apologize if I have EVER in anyway made you feel shamed for the way you raise your kids. If you are feeding and loving them, you are doing a great job! Parenting is hard enough without others telling you are doing it wrong. 

I believe that God gave Hudson and Emma to Tyler and I  because we are exactly the parents they need and we know what is best for them. Am I always going to get it right the first time? Probably not, but thats ok, God gives mercy and forgiveness. 

I am the mom who lives with mom guilt and constantly questions what I am doing. I feel guilty for working, I feel guilty when I snap, and I feel guilty when I play on my phone too much. But ya know what, my children are fed, bathed, clothed, and LOVED. 

Now this post isn't so people will tell me I'm a good mom. After this week, I learned I don't need the approval of others. So to all the parents out there just trying to figure it out, you guys rock! You do what works for you and your family. 

So the next time you feel like Satan is trying to steal your joy-remember you are good enough! 

That's all I have for now!