Sunday, November 17, 2019


2019 is coming to an end and as I reflect, I’ve never been more ready to move on from a year. This year has been filled with an abundance of ups and downs. 

In January, I lost my mother in law pretty unexpectedly. In March, my great aunt was killed in a freak accident. In May, my best friends 22 year old son committed suicide. Over the summer, the man I thought could never get sick found out he has cancer.  I have dealt with severe anxiety and even spouts of depression during all of this. There have been days where my motivation has been less than zero. 

Even with all the bad, I have to remember that I have been blessed with so much good. In February we traveled out of the country and watched my sister in law get married. Over the summer Tyler and I were able to take the kids on an awesome vacation to Tennessee. We sold our house and we are in the process of building our new house. These are just a few of the highlights from this year. We have been blessed with far more than we deserve. 

With so much negativity, it’s easy to fall into a dark place and dwell on the bad. Sometimes it’s hard to focus on the good. Every day brings new challenges and new adventures.

I am thankful for my husband who is way better at seeing the good than I am. He loves me through it all and I’m not sure I’d survive without him. We have two awesome kids who have a way of teaching me life lessons in the best ways. I have a family who has my back and supports me always. My friends are the best and want to see me win. I have found my tribe and I am so thankful for them.

So even though it’s been an exceptionally tough year, I know others have it far worse and that’s why I have made a conscious effort to start focusing on the good. 

2020 is coming and I can’t wait to see what it has in store.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I’ve got this...

We we hit a major accomplishment in week 2 this year. For the first time in 5 years, I went to a regular season away game and stayed the entire time...even through the rain. This has only happened one other time and it was playoffs! I love watching my sweet babes run into their daddy’s arms after a big game (ps we won!)

Last football season I learned that I am able to go and do things without my husband. Before last season I would hit a breaking point about half way through because I felt like if I went and did things with the kids while he was working, he would miss out on so much. He has never wanted me to just sit at home and wait around. I also felt like I could never go on “adventures” without him there to help. However, last year I up and decided one random Sunday that I was taking the kids to the zoo by myself. I think Tyler was slightly worried, not because he didn’t think I could do it, but because I never did things like that. That was a day that I realized I could go do fun things and it has kinda turned into tradition. Now, several sundays through football season, I load the kids up and we go to the zoo. It’s always so fun!
While we miss dad on each adventure we take, it’s nice knowing that we can go do stuff while he does what he loves! 

That’s all for now ❤️

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Are you ready, momma?

Are you ready, momma? 

That is the question I get 100+ times in the weeks leading to football season. I feel like it’s such a loaded question. Am I ready for football games, cheering, being nervous in the 4th quarter, feeding the coaches, and feeding a bunch of big high school boys? Heck yes I’m ready. I love that part. Watching my husband do something he is passionate about and was clearly made to do. It makes heart so happy to see and I will always be his biggest supporter!

On the flip side- am I ready to see him less, for the kids to mention that they miss their daddy, to attend every social event alone? Never, but I know we can do it and we do it so well. I am fully capable of doing the dinners, and baths, and soccer practice, and whatever else we decide to do, on my own. That doesn’t mean I like it. I love having my husband by my side, to make things a little easier (we are a pretty good team) but each season, I figure this mom thing out a little more. We are able to get in a good rhythm and we are able to thrive, not just survive. 

So yes, football season is here and this momma is SO ready!