Thursday, April 16, 2020

Giving Grace

Today is day 33 of social distancing for us. I hit my peak of anxiety and fear about 2 weeks ago and have finally started to semi level out.

My children though...they are just now getting there. You see, for the last 33 days they have, for the most part, only physically seen the same 10 people. They have only been around 2 kids their age (their cousins). We are goers and doers and with people ALL the time. I think at first they thought it was fun to get to stay home with my nieces instead of go to daycare and just get to have home days. I am still working full time and so is my husband, so our schedules haven't changed much. Ours kids, on the other hand...their schedules have completely flipped. They want to know when the next daycare day is. They want to go to the store and pick out a toy (and by golly I think they deserve one!)

They are both starting to show signs of stress. It is like they are just now realizing that something bigger is wrong, and it makes my momma heart hurt SO bad.

Their energy and exhaustion has mixed and the second I walk through the door each day it is like they feel like they can finally let out all of their big emotions and just melt. That is exhausting even not during a pandemic, so now it is over the top. I am having to remind myself to give extra grace. Instead of immediately going to yelling or discipline, taking a step back and giving extra cuddles. It is good for both them and myself. I am trying, I don't get it right every single time but I have been up since 3:30 this morning dealing with the "aftermath" of what I can only assume is extra stress on my babies. So it is now a priority more than it was before.

Squeeze your babies tighter, hug them longer, and instead of timeout- maybe make them a bowl of ice cream and talk it out. They don't know how to express the big emotions they are feeling. I'm 30 and still struggle doing that so I cannot imagine how hard it is for them. That 50th meltdown of the evening might just be a signal that something bigger is going on in their minds and they don't know how to tell you.

I know when I am stressed, my favorite snack and a hug goes a long way. Put your phone down, turn off the TV, and intentionally spend time with them. Go for a walk. Sit on the porch. Do something to let them know that everything is ok and you are there for them. This is hard on all of us. Try not to negate their feelings just because they are little.

Until next time...