Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Back to N O R M A L

Another football season has kicked off. Each year I get Super excited to kick off then the excitement fades with each passing week it seems like. 

Last year, I desperately needed football. I needed something to feel normal…football season came, and it still wasn’t normal. Something was off. COVID. I struggled wanting to go to games. Weird, I always want to go to games. Last year I thought football would make everything feel right again. It didn’t. 

This year I was weary. I didn’t know what football season would bring and I wanted so badly for it to be better than last year. It’s still early, but it’s already shaping up. 

Tonight, for the first time in 2 years, we were able to have the O-line over for dinner. Feeding the boys has always been a highlight for my seasons. It gives me a small chance to get to know some of the players and get involved. Maybe that’s why last year was so rough. 

Emma asked every 5 minutes when they would be here and got dressed up…then quickly changed into normal clothes after they arrived. Hudson talked the boys into playing baseball in the backyard with them. 
That…that was what my soul so desperately needed. 
It was another reminder that this is SO much more than a game. Football is about building relationships and helping to raise good men. Winning games is a bonus! 

When the seasons get long and I start to wonder if I will ever see my husband for more than 30 seconds, I remember that he is doing what he has been called to do and I get to be a small part of that. Even if it’s just feeding the boys a few times each season. I pray for those boys daily and hope they know that our doors are always open for a hot meal or safe place to relax. 

Until next time…

Sunday, April 4, 2021


Today at church, my pastor said something that I just haven’t been able to stop thinking about. He made that comment that just one year ago, we weren’t allowed to worship together for Easter due to COVID. How quickly we forget. The whole world was shut down and we couldn’t go to church. 

This last year has been nothing short of a whirlwind. I think many people thought 2021 would get here and life would be normal again. In some ways, things have gotten back to normal but in a lot of ways it’s still very far from it. 

Since COVID started my kids have went through stages of anxiety and worry, much like the rest of us. My sweet first grader has started asking big hard questions like “Why did Jesus have to die so the whole world could live?” And telling me he didn’t think God heard his prayers because he asked for his GranDee to live longer and she didn’t. I have not had good answers for any of these. I’m simply thankful that we are now allowed to be in church so that he is hearing Gods word and that it might start to make sense to him. 

Today was a reminder, once again, to count your blessings because everything can change in an instant!
