Friday, January 19, 2024

2024 *I can do H A R D things* has been a hot minute since I have even thought about doing a post. Have you ever been dealing with such a high level of burnout that you couldn't even do the things you enjoy? The bare minimum was the best you could ever seem to come up with?

Well, over the last year, I hit that. I had been there before and pulled myself out. About 9 months ago I realized that I wasn't going to be able to pull myself out of it and knew there needed to be a change. 

In October, I walked away from a job and people I truly believed I would never leave. Hard is an understatement. I walked away from comfort and people I knew truly cared about me, but I knew I had to do it. I stepped into a new company with no connections or security. It was scary but WOW, it has been so rewarding. Stepping into this role reminded me that I can do hard things. This team is incredible. I am surrounded by leaders who truly put their people first and my team has the best attitude. I have been constantly reminded that this was the right move for me.

I decided to go into 2024 and do *hard* things. This week, I flew to Nashville all by myself (I don't travel alone) and when the weather ruined my return flight, I booked on a new airline. I have only ever flown Southwest. While none of these things may seem hard to you, they are definitely a big deal for me. 

Sometimes you just gotta step out of your comfort zone and be reminded that you are capable of so much more than you think!