Wednesday, September 16, 2015

*Week 2*

The BEARS had an awesome week 2 against Chickasha. We won 44-16. Such a great way to kickoff the first home game. It had been a while since I had seen the stands so full! One of my bosses, Dr. Smith, and his wife even came out to support.

Saturday morning, my best friend and myself got up and headed to Dallas. We had a much needed mommy day. We ended our evening in Dallas by having a R+F party for my husbands aunt. It was exactly what I needed! 

By the end of the week I am worn out from working full-time and chasing our 1 year old since Tyler is gone so much. It was nice to be able to leave Hudson with Tyler for a whole day and get to be on my own schedule. I hard-core missed him though. 

The next few weeks I will of course be reporting on the BEARS and also talking about marriage, mommy-hood, and how things don't always go exactly like you plan.

Stay tuned.


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