Friday, September 22, 2017


Week 4-

We did it! We made it through an entire game, and man am I SO glad! 
Noble stomped McAlester 48-7! Before the game, Tyler told Hudson if we made it to the end, 
he could go on the field. Emma was not excited to still be there at the end but there was no way I could leave before Hudson got to "help" daddy! It was a great week but I am so thankful we have  made it to the weekend. I need a day or two relax :)

 Before the games, Hudson loves waiting for the boys to walk through so he can give them high fives. It makes my heart happy to see the boys will stop and acknowledge him. It also makes me realize that in a few shorts years, that will be him...
 Hanging out with Hadley is his favorite!

 He was super concerned that someone made a huge mess on the field with ice 
and he insisted that his papa go look...

Friday, September 8, 2017

~Season 10~

Last week we embarked on our TENTH football season. Holy smokes, that makes me feel really old. Many things have changed since that first season and it seems each year, things get a little more complicated.

This year, I have a three year old who is VERY aware when his daddy isn't home and a one year old who thinks she is completely independent but must be in bed by 9pm or she turns into some other kind of kid...

9pm bedtimes and football seasons don't exactly mesh very well. This is week 2 of the season and the 2nd week we haven't made it through an entire game. Hudson was always a terrible sleeper so football didn't interfere with his schedule much, if any. Last year, Emma was so little that late nights didn't exactly make a difference for her. This year though, the struggle is real. I suspect that it will be about 2 more years (at least) before I am able to actually watch a football game again.

Other than the regular football stuff, not much has changed around here. I am still an Executive for Rodan + Fields, you can find our products HERE. I also have joined the MONAT team, well actually Tyler did but I am a believer in these products. If you are looking for some incredible hair care, CHECK THIS OUT! Seriously, I have never been one to be crazy about what hair products I use, but I will literally never use anything else. The dry shampoo is my favorite!!

This is a rather lame update considering I haven't posted in so long. I'll try to do better but I make no promises.

Until next time!