Friday, September 22, 2017


Week 4-

We did it! We made it through an entire game, and man am I SO glad! 
Noble stomped McAlester 48-7! Before the game, Tyler told Hudson if we made it to the end, 
he could go on the field. Emma was not excited to still be there at the end but there was no way I could leave before Hudson got to "help" daddy! It was a great week but I am so thankful we have  made it to the weekend. I need a day or two relax :)

 Before the games, Hudson loves waiting for the boys to walk through so he can give them high fives. It makes my heart happy to see the boys will stop and acknowledge him. It also makes me realize that in a few shorts years, that will be him...
 Hanging out with Hadley is his favorite!

 He was super concerned that someone made a huge mess on the field with ice 
and he insisted that his papa go look...

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