Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I felt as though maybe I didn't have enough on my plate and that adding a weekly blog would be a good idea.

For those of you who don't know me, I am Jamie. I am the Office Manager at a very busy dental office in my hometown called Dental Lodge. I am an Independent Consultant with Rodan+Fields. I am the wife to my high school sweetheart, Tyler. However, my favorite title and probably most demanding job is Momma to our one year old, Hudson Wayne.

August is a very busy month for us, football practice starts and then schools starts. It is in August that I sometimes feel like I kiss my husband goodbye and do not kiss him hello until mid-November. Tyler is a football coach and this will be my 8th football season by his side. Each season comes with its own set of challenges. This year the challenge will be that we have a very busy, strong-willed, limit testing one year old to bring along for the ride of football season.

Mine and Tyler's journey has been a fun one and I cannot wait to tell you all about it.

I am clearly new to this blogging thing and I am hopeful that as time goes on, they get better and you enjoy reading them.

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