Thursday, August 27, 2015

Scrimmage Scrimmage Scrimmage

Well, we made it through work week and the first 2 scrimmages! Chasing a toddler has given me much less time to actually watch what is taking place on the field but I am trying.

I can tell that I am going to have to get Hudson adjusted to staying up on Friday nights because tonight he wasn't able to make it through the whole scrimmage. Pictured below is him standing on the field after last weeks scrimmage. He looks so small but I know in a few years he will be in full pads playing.
He is always so excited to see his daddy after the games and when he comes home at night. Just in the last month or so I have been able to tell such a difference in how excited he gets to see his dad. This picture melted my heart. I could watch them together all day.
This sweet little blond is Ellie. She is a coach's daughter and goes to daycare with Hudson. He loved getting to play with her and wanted to give her all the kisses. I will have to help him work on not coming on so strong.

My R+F business is off to a wonderful start and I am excited to see where this journey takes me. If you are interested in learning more just follow the links.  <---shop  <-----join Seriously, this business is changing skin and changing lives. Your friends are going to hear about it, why not let them hear about it from you?

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