Sunday, August 5, 2018

S E A S O N # E L E V E N

It seems as if every football season I decide I am going to amp up my blogging. Tonight kicks off the season with the annual midnight practice. It is the day where I kiss Tyler and tell him I will see him in November. While clearly that is a little dramatic, we definitely miss him around the house once the season kicks off. We all have to adjust to him being gone after having him home so much in the summer.

I think some people do not understand what coaches sacrifice in order to do their jobs. Tyler misses out on so many fun and important things due to coaching. It is absolutely a passion of his and I would never want him to give it up, so we have learned to adapt to him being gone during the season. One of my favorite things is watching him on Friday nights in his element. He pours so much into each of the players and truly wants to see each and every one of them succeed.

The other big thing around here is that my oldest is starting PRE-K this year. I literally cannot believe it. It doesn't seem possible for him to already be 4 and ready to start this adventure. He is sweetest soul I have ever met and I am so excited to see what all he learns this year. He is definitely a lover and I pray each and every night that he will be the kid to be friends with all the kids and to stand up for what is right.

Emma is my spitfire and we are about to embark on the journey of potty training. She is strong willed and the perfect mix of sassy and sweet. It is hard for me to accept that she is 2 and I officially no longer have a baby in the house. Soon we will be done with diapers. I guess that just means it's almost time for another ;)
Nothing new here with me. I am just taking it one day at a time and trying to hold down the fort the best I can. I know, without a doubt, that God put me on this earth to be a wife to Tyler and a mom to Hudson and Emma. There is a chance that we will grow our family in the future, but for now we are just going to love on these sweet babies and do our best to point them in the right direction.

Signing off for now. Maybe-just maybe, I will do better at posting more consistently...but I make no promises.

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