Tuesday, March 17, 2020


For close to a year, I have had a vacation planned for this week of Spring Break. We were supposed to head to Florida with my husbands high school baseball team for a week of games and fun. With everything going on, we had to cancel. I was bummed and so were the kids. 

We scrounged around and found a room at our favorite place in Galveston. So far this social distancing hasn’t affected us much since we had planned to be gone anyway. Honestly, we have probably saved SO MUCH money because instead of eating out, we have decided to cook all of our meals in the condo to avoid big crowds. Tyler and I are big goers. We get stir crazy if we stay in too long so this has been a bit of a challenge for us. However, our kids have LOVED and embraced every second of it. They don’t get much time of doing nothing. It has been exactly what we all needed. Days of rest and relaxation. Away from people and distractions. 

It’s times like these that I realize how important it is to have 3-6 months worth of living expenses in your savings account, so that you can still survive when the unexpected happens. Unfortunately, we aren’t quite there but are still currently both getting a paycheck, for now. All of this listening and watching and waiting has made me want to reevaluate how we do things. We have always been on a quest to get out of debt but we have never really been great at fully attacking it. My mindset has definitely shifted though. We have followed and studied Dave Ramsey for years, implementing small things here and there but never with “gazelle intensity.” 

Until we return back home, we are going to soak up the rest of this time we have together and see it as a gift. Once we get back to the real world, I will let you know how we adjust. Tyler is gonna get a taste of that stay at home mom life that he’s never really wanted 😂

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