Monday, March 16, 2020

When it seems uncertain

Life is pretty crazy right now. Not just for me, but for the entire world. It is easy to be scared and anxious when you’re not sure what is going to happen. There is also a fine line between being prepared and panicked. 

I am the first to admit that I am one that usually panics but I have been trying not too. In the Bible, it is written something like 365 times “do not be afraid” or “do not fear.” I have been trying to take all of this with a heart of prayer. I have also put a lot of trust in people around me to help me make informed but not crazy decisions. If it would’ve been up to only me, I probably would’ve cancelled our vacation for the week and sat inside the house. Instead, we are practicing social distancing on the beach and eating all of our meals in our condo. 

I do still have fear. I have fear that I will carry this scary virus to someone who won’t be able to fight it like I can. I’m 99% sure that if I get it, I will survive. I do not think my grandparents would be able to fight it off so easily. I worry that my Hudson will get it. He has had the flu twice since Christmas and has been coughing  since November...that makes me think his lungs would struggle a little more and he may have to fight harder. I worry less about my Emma because she has seemed to stay completely healthy through everyone else’s sickness. I believe these are rational fears as a parent but still fears. 

If you feel like everyone is overreacting, maybe they are. We have no way of knowing that though, and we will never be able to know that. A Colorado superintendent did point out that it will be overly apparent if we under react. 

Take all this inconvenience as God giving you time with family to reconnect and to rest. This world is so busy and this virus is forcing us to slow down. I don’t have all the answers and I won’t pretend to be an expert. Just pray hard, give it to God, and follow the CDC guidelines. When my heart is even more overwhelmed, I try to pray harder. Only one person knows how all of this will play out and we just have to trust it will be ok. 

If you need me, I’ll be drinking coffee (or wine depending on the time of day) until Thursday or I’m forced to leave sooner.

Oh and lastly, please say a prayer for your superintendents, they are being forced with impossible decisions to make and are in very unchartered waters. None of them have dealt with this. I do promise that they will do what is best for the majority of the of their students and staff.

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